Monday, May 24, 2010

Write a complete C++ program that will let a user input 8 integer values into an array.?

After entering the values display the following statistics: the third element in the array and the average of all the numbers.

Write a complete C++ program that will let a user input 8 integer values into an array.?

void main()


int a[8],i,sum=0;

float avg;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter The 8 numbers :";







cout%26lt;%26lt;"Third Element in the array"%26lt;%26lt;a[2];

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nAverage of 8 numbers :"%26lt;%26lt;avg;


void main()


int i,a,iArr[10];

a= 0;


{ scanf("%d",%26amp;iArr[i]); a += iArr[i]; }

printf("\n\n\t The third number was %d and the average is ", iArr[2] a/8);

// c arrays are 0 based so third element will be index 2

Reply:if a[8] is the array u have defined. then follow the below

cout%26lt;%26lt;a[2]; ---- to display 3rd element



b+=a[i]; ----- to find the sum of all the numbers in the array

cout%26lt;%26lt;b/8; ---- displays the average of the array

try this....

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